css at-rules counter-style symbols

The symbols CSS descriptor is used to specify the symbols that the specified counter system will use to construct counter representations.


The symbols descriptor is specified as one or more <symbol>s.



Represents a symbol used within the counter system. This must be one of the following data types:


A symbol can be a string, image, or identifier. It is used within the @counter-style at-rule.

symbols: A B C D E;
symbols: "\24B6" "\24B7" "\24B8" D E;
symbols: "0" "1" "2" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9";
symbols: url("one.svg") url("two.svg") url("three.svg");
symbols: indic-numbers;

The symbols descriptor must be specified when the value of the system descriptor is cyclic, numeric, alphabetic, symbolic, or fixed. When the additive system is used, use the additive-symbols descriptor instead to specify the symbols.

While a space between quoted symbols is not required, it makes the CSS more legible. To use a quote as a symbol, either escape the quote character or enclose the character is using different quotes, such as "'".


Setting counter symbols


<ul class="list">


@counter-style symbols-example {
  system: fixed;
  symbols: A "1" "\24B7" D E;

.list {
  list-style: symbols-example;

See also