css properties border-right-color

The border-right-color CSS property sets the color of an element's right border. It can also be set with the shorthand CSS properties border-color or border-right.


/* <color> values */
border-right-color: red;
border-right-color: #ffbb00;
border-right-color: rgb(255 0 0);
border-right-color: hsl(100deg 50% 25% / 0.75);
border-right-color: currentcolor;
border-right-color: transparent;

/* Global values */
border-right-color: inherit;
border-right-color: initial;
border-right-color: revert;
border-right-color: revert-layer;
border-right-color: unset;

The border-right-color property is specified as a single value.



The color of the right border.

Formal definition

Initial valuecurrentcolor
Applies toall elements
Computed valuethe computed color and/or a one-dimensional image function
Animation typesee prose

Formal syntax

<color> | <image-1D>


A simple div with a border


<div class="mybox">
    This is a box with a border around it. Note which side of the box is
    <span class="redtext">red</span>.


.mybox {
  border: solid 0.3em gold;
  border-right-color: red;
  width: auto;

.redtext {
  color: red;

See also