css properties mask-clip

The mask-clip CSS property determines the area which is affected by a mask. The painted content of an element must be restricted to this area.


/* <geometry-box> values */
mask-clip: content-box;
mask-clip: padding-box;
mask-clip: border-box;
mask-clip: margin-box;
mask-clip: fill-box;
mask-clip: stroke-box;
mask-clip: view-box;

/* Keyword values */
mask-clip: no-clip;

/* Non-standard keyword values */
-webkit-mask-clip: border;
-webkit-mask-clip: padding;
-webkit-mask-clip: content;
-webkit-mask-clip: text;

/* Multiple values */
mask-clip: padding-box, no-clip;
mask-clip: view-box, fill-box, border-box;

/* Global values */
mask-clip: inherit;
mask-clip: initial;
mask-clip: revert;
mask-clip: revert-layer;
mask-clip: unset;

One or more of the keyword values listed below, separated by commas.



The painted content is clipped to the content box.


The painted content is clipped to the padding box.


The painted content is clipped to the border box.


The painted content is clipped to the margin box.


The painted content is clipped to the object bounding box.


The painted content is clipped to the stroke bounding box.


Uses the nearest SVG viewport as reference box. If a viewBox attribute is specified for the element creating the SVG viewport, the reference box is positioned at the origin of the coordinate system established by the viewBox attribute and the dimension of the reference box is set to the width and height values of the viewBox attribute.


The painted content is not clipped.

border Non-standard

This keyword behaves the same as border-box.

padding Non-standard

This keyword behaves the same as padding-box.

content Non-standard

This keyword behaves the same as content-box.

text Non-standard

This keyword clips the mask image to the text of the element.

Formal definition

Initial valueborder-box
Applies toAll elements. In SVG, it applies to container elements excluding the defs element, all graphics elements and the use element
Computed valueas specified
Animation typediscrete

Formal syntax

[ <geometry-box> | no-clip ]#


Clipping a mask to the border box

Change the mask-clip value to any of the allowed values detailed above. If viewing the example in a Chromium-based browser change the value of -webkit-mask-clip.

See also