css properties text-decoration-skip-ink

The text-decoration-skip-ink CSS property specifies how overlines and underlines are drawn when they pass over glyph ascenders and descenders.

text-decoration-skip-ink is not part of the text-decoration shorthand.


/* Single keyword */
text-decoration-skip-ink: none;
text-decoration-skip-ink: auto;
text-decoration-skip-ink: all;

/* Global keywords */
text-decoration-skip-ink: inherit;
text-decoration-skip-ink: initial;
text-decoration-skip-ink: revert;
text-decoration-skip-ink: revert-layer;
text-decoration-skip-ink: unset;



Underlines and overlines are drawn across the full length of the text content, including parts that cross over glyph descenders and ascenders.


The default — the browser may interrupt underlines and overlines so that they do not touch or closely approach a glyph. That is, they are interrupted where they would otherwise cross over a glyph.


The browser must interrupt underlines and overlines so that they do not touch or closely approach a glyph. This can be helpful with certain Chinese, Japanese, or Korean (CJK) fonts, where the auto behavior might not create interruptions.

An example of "text-decoration-skip-ink".

Formal definition

Initial valueauto
Applies toall elements
Computed valuespecified keyword
Animation typediscrete

Formal syntax

auto | none | all



<p>You should go on a quest for a cup of coffee.</p>
<p class="no-skip-ink">Or maybe you'd prefer some tea?</p>
<p>この文は、 text-decoration-skip-ink: auto の使用例を示しています。</p>
<p class="skip-ink-all">
  この文は、 text-decoration-skip-ink: all の使用例を示しています。


p {
  font-size: 1.5em;
  text-decoration: underline blue;
  text-decoration-skip-ink: auto; /* this is the default anyway */

.no-skip-ink {
  text-decoration-skip-ink: none;

.skip-ink-all {
  text-decoration-skip-ink: all;

See also