css types filter-function grayscale()

The grayscale() CSS function converts the input image to grayscale. Its result is a <filter-function>().





Amount of the input image that is converted to grayscale. It is specified as a <number>() or a <percentage>(). A value of 100% changes the input completely to grayscale, while a value of 0% leaves the input unchanged. Values between 0% and 100% have linear multipliers on the effect. If the grayscale() filter is present with no parameter, the default value is 1. The initial value used for interpolation is 0.


Examples of correct values for grayscale()

grayscale(0)     /* No effect */
grayscale(.7)    /* 70% grayscale */
grayscale(100%)  /* Completely grayscale */

See also

The other <filter-function>() functions available to be used in values of the filter() and backdrop-filter() properties include: