css types log()

The log() CSS function is an exponential function that returns the logarithm of a number.

Logarithm is the inverse of exponentiation. It is the number that a fixed base has to be raised to in order to yield the number passed as the first parameter.

In CSS, when a single parameter is passed, the natural logarithm e, or approximately 2.7182818, is used, though the base can be set to any value with an optional second parameter.


/* A <number> value */
width: calc(100px * log(7.389)); /* 200px */
width: calc(100px * log(8, 2)); /* 300px */
width: calc(100px * log(625, 5)); /* 400px */


The log(value [, base]?) function accepts two comma-separated values as its parameters.


A calculation which resolves to a <number>() greater than or equal to 0. Representing the value to be logarithmed.


Optional. A calculation which resolves to a <number>() greater than or equal to 0. Representing the base of the logarithm. If not defined, the default logarithmic base e is used.

Return value

The logarithm of value, when base is defined.

The natural logarithm (base e) of value, when base is not defined.


Sizes based on log() function

This example shows how you can use the log() function to calculate sizes.


<div class="boxes">
  <div class="box zero">50px</div>
  <div class="box one">100px</div>
  <div class="box two">150px</div>
  <div class="box three">200px</div>


Here we are using CSS custom properties to define the sizes to be used. First, we declare the first size (--size-0), which is then used to calculate the other sizes.

:root {
  --size-0: 50px;
  --size-1: calc(var(--size-0) * log(7.389)); /*  100px */
  --size-2: calc(var(--size-0) * log(8, 2)); /*  150px */
  --size-3: calc(var(--size-0) * log(625, 5)); /*  200px */

The sizes are then applied as the width and height values of the selectors.

.one {
  width: var(--size-1);
  height: var(--size-1);
.two {
  width: var(--size-2);
  height: var(--size-2);
.three {
  width: var(--size-3);
  height: var(--size-3);

See also